Actualmed at Forinvest

Corporate, Events, News, Press

The Online service provided by Actualmed serves two objectives: quality and productivity in diagnostics. By this way, radiologists can generate diagnostics in a more accurate and more efficient way, protecting at all-time patient privacy, according to HIPAA and LOPD regulations.

“Our online platform has enabled that a radiologist with reduced physical mobility can work from home, without the need to have to go to the radiological center to deliver diagnostics. Other of our clients changed his residence and now he works with various radiological clinics from one same management” says as an example Rafael Forcada CEO of Actualmed in his intervention at Forinvest 2013.

Actualmed target market focuses on Latin America and Europe whose market size is estimated at $ 6,000 million in 2018. Actualmed reference clients are radiological centers and radiologists from Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. “The customer satisfaction is 98%, and the turnover rate is 95% services, so that the capital raised will go towards funding to grow our sales force and infrastructure in Latin America and Europe in order to accelerate our growth ” says Rafael Forcada.

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